clos-ette solutions: Taking Stock - Your Personal Fashion Inventory

Posted on March 07, 2011 by Jon Fascitelli

So your closet is officially purged of clutter-causing excess, and all that remains are your best-loved, most-frequently worn clothes and accessories. Now it’s time to take a formal inventory of the items you have left.  The point? To bring attention to your shopping habits, highlight any severe gaps in your wardrobe, and determine your storage needs. Start by composing a list of all of your wardrobe pieces –everything from evening gowns and dressy blouses to... 

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Posted in clos-ette solutions

clos-ette solutions: to consign or not to consign?

Posted on February 21, 2011 by melanie fascitelli

Now that you’ve got piles of cast-offs, it’s time to face the dreaded question: What do I do with all this stuff? When it comes to good-condition, high-quality items (especially those of the tags-still-on or designer variety), consigning can be the best route. We often advise our Clos-ette clients to look at it this way: you wore it, you loved it, and now you’re ready to move it along to the next person –and make... 

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Posted in clos-ette solutions

clos-ette solutions: The Right Fold

Posted on February 16, 2011 by melanie fascitelli

I don't know about you but there is nothing worse than an untidy unorganized lumpy linen closet and time and time again the worst offender always seems to be the fitted sheet. But alas do not despair there is a trick to taming the fitted sheet.  I've jotted down a simple 6 step plan below... Step 1: Lay the sheet on a bed or a large table and fold in and smooth all the edges. Step... 

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Posted in clos-ette solutions

clos-ette solutions: Purge, Purge, Purge...

Posted on February 06, 2011 by melanie fascitelli

Editing your wardrobe is a constant process – and the first step to creating a blissfully organized closet. Here at Clos-ette, we recommend doing a “purge” of old, damaged, or seldom-worn pieces on a regular basis. Set aside a time to divvy up your garments into three categories –“Throw Away,” “Give Away” and “Keep” – and don’t be afraid to be ruthless. The top that’s missing most of its sequins? The sample sale sandals that... 

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Posted in clos-ette solutions